Artificial Intelligence is the challenge and promise of the coming decades. Computers transform from mere machines into instruments that help enhance our brain and make decisions. We have reached a point where the ability of mankind to create has overtaken ist ability to imagine and we are moving towards Singularity, the moment when a computer perform better than the human brain.

Prof Mahendra Gawali

Dr. Mahendra Gawali is a dedicated and passionate mentor for young talents to make them ready to face real time challenges. He has more than 15 years of experience in training and research to solve societal real time problems.

Jorge Sebastiao

Jorge Sebastiao is a seasoned CTO with experience in AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Disaster Recovery, Big Data and a managed services professional focused on business value. He created the process A6 of security: Assess, Architect, Apply, Administer, Awareness and Agility. Mr. Sebastiao has been the speaker at numerous international conferences.